Type Amount Percentage Duration Bonus Charges
FB Comm $5000 - $50000 10% daily return 30 days 3% Referral Bonus Zero Hidden Charges
Basic $5000 - $50000 5% daily return First 30 days 3% Referral Bonus Zero Hidden Charges
Premium $50000 - $250000 7.5% daily return 30 days 3% Referral Bonus Zero Hidden Charges
Diamond $250000 - Unlimited 10% daily return 30 days 3% Referral Bonus Zero Hidden Charges

Our online investment platform encompasses all aspects of user interaction with company. We offer you the favorable and highly profitable investment plans and hope you will select an option to suit your demands. Minimum of $500 to participate in our company's investment programs and unlimited maximum deposits. Specifically, our referral program aims to increase the maximum profit for investors and provides up to 3% of referral deposits.